Opanka experiencing a situation worse than a Friend-Zone coincidentally meets Guru with a similar situation in the studio and ends up doing what they do best with the issue, that's recording a song together entitled "BROTHER" set to be released on 15 August, 2014.
Opanka and Guru explains the similar situation they found themselves in as girls they've each wanted to be in a relationship with, and even because of that making them go the extra mile to ensure all needs requested by the girls are provided for, but before they would even begin with their proposals, they are intentionally being referred to as "BROTHER" by the various girls, "You know I see you like my Brother" and "That's why you are my sweetest bro" respectively, thus indirectly insinuating that Brothers and Sisters cant date therefore shutting their dreams of dating and leaving them in the "Brother" Zone.
They both term this "Brother" Zone as the most dangerous zone or situation any guy can find himself in, in terms of dating, because at least there could be a chance of dating when you are being referred to as "Friend" than "Brother". They also term "BROTHER" their latest song, the Ghanaian version of FRIEND ZONE.
The upcoming song "BROTHER" by OPANKA featuring GURU produced by Dr. Ray and mixed by Ephraim is set to be released online and radio on Friday, 15 AUGUST 2014, by God's grace. (twitter - @OpankaGH / Facebook - OPANKA)
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