Ellen Korkor Asante
Ellen Korkor Asante, the actress currently
playing lead character in the popular ' Afia Schwarzenegger' television
series, has told NEWS-ONE that the most valuable thing she has learnt
from the showbiz fraternity is that 'fame can kill.'
'Sometimes, I
get frightened and then I start to pray to God that the fame should not
get into my head because I fear it would make me proud. Because I also
fear that when I become proud, God would bring me down.
'When you
become proud, you stop to think correctly and you do not even listen to
people when they correct you. And when you are making a mistake, you
continue to make it until it kills your goodwill, your good name, your
beauty, your following and eventually kills you,' Ellen told NEWS-ONE .
to explain how she handles her rising fame, Ellen said she constantly
reminds herself of what she was doing before getting on TV.
'Oh I
just remember where I come from and the fact that no one knows tomorrow.
I always have in mind that the people you meet on your way up are the
same people you meet on your way down, so I treat people with respect. I
was not doing any big-time job and always have that thing in mind, so I
show maximum respect to people. I know it is God who has lifted me this
high and I am nobody without the people who celebrate me and guide me
on how to make it to the top. This mindset has helped me a lot,' Ellen
Korkor revealed.
She continued: 'But I am a human being and when I
step out and see everyone calling me and treating me like a star, some
good feelings enter my head. It is a sweet feeling when people celebrate
you but when I look at the example of others, I get scared and pray
'It is getting better. When I started, some people said I
had a big mouth, then they said I have big buttocks. But what you see
behind me and call big buttocks may appear very normal to someone.
Others may even see it as small buttocks. Someone's meat is another
person's poison but they talked about my buttocks as if I am not having a
normal shape. But now they just accept me and celebrate me.'
The 25-year-old actress said she is ready to take up bigger challenges and cast in movies.
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